5 April 2023 AM Show - SITREP with CANNCON: Trump Indictment Looks to Be WIN, Manhattan DA Hides Website - Desantis: FL Election Bill - Fentanyl Plague
Business | How to Create a Franchise-able & Scalable Business That Will Create Both Time and Financial Freedom for You | "I Don't Think We Could Have Chosen a Better Guy to Lead Us." - David Drucker (President of UPS Canada)
Convoy Peace Patriots REMOVING Any Bad Actor's #BearHUG -Some of these things don’t look like the others. Government-sponsored terrorism. Wash, rinse, repeat. #Jan6Again
Pat King Clears Up The Rumors Being Spread Around By 'Antifa' - Please Stay Positive And Don't Pay Attention To The Distractions #BearHUG #NoVaxxPass #NoMandatesEVER #TrudeauMustGO #O'toolMustGO