Abraham Hicks—What do We do in Between Lifetimes? And How Could We BOTH Have Been, Say.. Samuel Adams? + When Esther Hicks (Who Channels Abraham) Met a Tel-Evangelist. [PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!]
MANIFESTING NEW EARTH FROM HERE ON: The Banking $ystem Collapse, The Annunaki, What/How to Invest, Your Community/Tribe, and More! — Ralph Smart, “Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)”.
If You Can be Thankful for Pain as You Can Love & Harmony You’d Soon Cancel Out Pain by Default. When You’re Thankful EVEN for Pain You Realize What You’re Really Thankful for—GROWTH! “It’s a Beautiful Day” by Rushawn and Kiffness.
ALEX JONES IN 3.5 MIN: The Illuminati, Source Energy, Free Will, 5D, and A.I.!—He’s Not a Reductive Christian Poster Child. Hell, He Could Easily Have a Productive Chat with Sarah Elkhaldy. He Plays a “Mike Pence-Like” Matrix Role to His Audience!