Why Not Go for the Demonic Generals Instead of the People? Taking Out the Demons Removes the Power from those People + The Decipher Key is a Dangerous Weapon + Anointing the Land
Jessie's Cell Group, 'Encyclopedia' + Satanic Hunting Parties, Children Hunted, Raped and Killed + Brotherhood Members Too Old to Hunt, Jacob Rothschild, Can Still Rape, Engage in Sex Magick + Quintet
Harps and Trumpets Being Heard Around the World, Mechanical Spiritual Gates or Chained Demons + Are We in the End-Times Now? + 1,000 Year Reign of Christ, Second Harvest
Jessie's Anger at John Brennan + Tests, Training Partner Was God's Grace to Jessie. He Took Life so Jessie Didn't Have To + Adrenochrome Comedown, Sickness, Fight To Survive Under Those Circumstances
Fear of Death, Especially Painful Death + Tinctures for Jessie's Proctor and Praying for a "Good Day" i.e. a Day When She Wasn't Psychotic + Hypervigilance as a Side Effect
Comments on Trump-Biden Debate, Trump's Answers About What He Had Achieved, The Stimulus Package + Trump Bailed the People Out Not the Banks, He Took Money from the Illuminati
Psychotherapists that are In The System/Luciferian Brotherhood + The Tavistock Institute, Hampstead, Offshoots like The Stanford Research Institute, Prestigious, Respected by the General Public, Perceived as an Authority