1. I am predicting Carter will die 11/17; aliens (demons) 6/9 = Trump - Biden debate prophecy

    I am predicting Carter will die 11/17; aliens (demons) 6/9 = Trump - Biden debate prophecy

  2. I am predicting: Carter will die 11/17; Simon 11/8; Harris will crash 11/27 = THE WEST WING prophecy

    I am predicting: Carter will die 11/17; Simon 11/8; Harris will crash 11/27 = THE WEST WING prophecy

  3. I am predicting: Carter, Harris, Trump will die 9/21, 9/25, 9/26; Israel Iran 9/28 = ASSASSIN TRUMP

    I am predicting: Carter, Harris, Trump will die 9/21, 9/25, 9/26; Israel Iran 9/28 = ASSASSIN TRUMP

  4. I am predicting: Harris will crash 9/25; Trump will de 9/26 = APOCALYPSE NOW movie prophecy

    I am predicting: Harris will crash 9/25; Trump will de 9/26 = APOCALYPSE NOW movie prophecy

  5. I'm predicting: Harris to crash 11/27; Trump 1/1 Simon 11/8 Carter 11/4 = FERRIS BUEHLLER'S DAY OFF

    I'm predicting: Harris to crash 11/27; Trump 1/1 Simon 11/8 Carter 11/4 = FERRIS BUEHLLER'S DAY OFF

  6. I am predicting: Simon will die 11/8; Carter will die 11/4; Harris 11/27 = APOCALYPSE NOW movie

    I am predicting: Simon will die 11/8; Carter will die 11/4; Harris 11/27 = APOCALYPSE NOW movie

  7. I am predicting: Trump will die 12/14; mass demonic possession 6/9 = THE EXORCIST prophecy

    I am predicting: Trump will die 12/14; mass demonic possession 6/9 = THE EXORCIST prophecy

  8. Atlantic Article Predicts Coming Civil WAR, Worries That Trump Supporters Might WIN

    Atlantic Article Predicts Coming Civil WAR, Worries That Trump Supporters Might WIN

  9. Everybody in the NFL is talking about the Lions, predicting big things for 2023

    Everybody in the NFL is talking about the Lions, predicting big things for 2023

  10. I am predicting: Michelle will be 47th president June 7 = OJ Simpson murder = Obama's chef murder

    I am predicting: Michelle will be 47th president June 7 = OJ Simpson murder = Obama's chef murder

  11. I am predicting: Michelle Obama will become 47th president on Nov 19 = MAUI FIRE PROPHECY

    I am predicting: Michelle Obama will become 47th president on Nov 19 = MAUI FIRE PROPHECY

  12. BREAKING Internet Blown Away by Alex Jones Predicting the Coming of Covid Lockdowns in 2012.

    BREAKING Internet Blown Away by Alex Jones Predicting the Coming of Covid Lockdowns in 2012.

  13. I am predicting: Carter will die July 6; James E Jones will die 7/5 = Trump - Biden debate prophecy

    I am predicting: Carter will die July 6; James E Jones will die 7/5 = Trump - Biden debate prophecy
