The Great Reset | "The Whole Agenda Is to Create a One World Government Where Everybody Has An RFID Chip Implanted In Them. All Money Is to Be In Those Chips. There Will Be No More Cash & This Is Coming from Rockefeller Himself." - Aaron Rus
PCR Tests | Is the PCR-Test Creating a Massive Number of Falsely Inflated Positive COVID-19 Cases? Can the PCR Test Potentially Find Anything That You Are Looking for Depending On How High You Turn It Up?
Australian Citizens Rise Up Against ‘Lying’ Gov’t Covid Scientists /Netanyahu requests meeting with Trump/What the top UN court’s ruling means for Israel/Biden Tests Negative for COVID, Will Reportedly Return to White House on Tuesday/US Anthem-Kn
Yuval Noah Harari | "Everything That Existed On Earth Until Now, We Were All Organic. We Are In the Process of Creating the First Inorganic Life Form. We Are Now Instigating An Alien Invasion from Palo Alto." - 12/8/2024