2 years ago“The world rushes on over strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadnessrashonkurnic13
2 years agoThe landscape falls between your eyebrows, lingering, and you look at it allHerbertWilliam
4 years ago2020 年聖誕主日崇拜信息-耶穌基督降生引起的思潮 Lingering Remembrance Though The Birth of Jesus Christ多倫多以馬內利華人浸信會-主日崇拜廣播
2 years agoThe wind also rustled softly, as if playing the flute to accompany this lingering beauty.zwedoxitu
2 years agoThe king's grace in this life is endless. I hope there will be spring mud# Suzhou # Lingering GardenKJHKJnsh
7 years agoLee county still dealing with lingering effects from Irma as storm moves northWFTXVerified
5 years agoMilwaukee weather forecast: Very windy, with lingering rain and show showersWTMJMilwaukeeVerified
7 years agoLingering concerns in Muncie after kids of plant employees test positive for leadWRTVVerified
2 years ago允 - license/permit/sincerity - Learn how to write Japanese Kanji 允 - hananonihongo.comhananonihongo