10 months agoTabitha Aryan Wisdom 17 - The REAL Sacred Prostitutes, until they were corruptedTowasGarden
10 months agoTabitha Aryan Wisdom 18 - Santa is Odinic. Odin YULE FATHER is Satanic. Hail Santa ClausTowasGarden
7 months agoTabitha Aryan Wisdom 21 - Stop calling jews snakes you sound like a fucking moronTowasGarden
2 years agoJAPANESE DUCK TATAKI | Savory Seared Duck Thinly Sliced With Ponzu Dip and Japanese Leekshungrycookingstudio
11 months agoTabitha Wisdom 7 - "x-tians are retarded. Germ theory believers, New Agers, are retarded"TowasGarden
11 months agoTabitha Wisdom 8 - No such thing as Guardian Angels. 'Angels' are stolen European DeitiesTowasGarden
10 months agoTabitha Wisdom 10 Are you an Aryan Racialist or a christian C.I? You can't be bothTowasGarden
1 year ago饮食日记(30) 凉拌水萝卜/胡萝卜丝/豆角猪肉包子 Sweet & Sour Radish/Stir Fried Carrots/Green Bean & Pork BunsHuaziDaily