1 year agoSagittarius ♐️- Breaking free from guilt! New Moon in Scorpio tarot reading #tarot #sagittariustarotarychannel
1 year agoTAURUS ♉️ - Don't lose yourself! FULL MOON 🌕 IN PISCES TAROT READING #tarotary #taurustarotarychannel
1 year agoGEMINI ♊️- "One realisation changes everything" NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE #tarotary #geminitarotarychannel
1 year agoTAURUS ♉️ - Improving your lifestyle! NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE TAROT #taurus #tarotarytarotarychannel
1 year agoARIES ♈️- "Keep it simple!" NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE TAROT READING #aries #tarotarytarotarychannel
1 year agoLEO ♌️ - "The art of listening" NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE TAROT READING #tarotary #leotarotarychannel
1 year agoCANCER ♋️- "Your path is lit up" NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE TAROT READING #tarotary #cancertarotarychannel
1 year agoVIRGO ♍️- An idea worth running with! NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE TAROT #tarotary #virgotarotarychannel
1 year agoSAGITTARIUS ♐️ - Voyage of self-discovery! NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE TAROT #sagittariustarotarychannel
1 year agoSCORPIO ♏️- The sling effect! NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE TAROT READING #tarotary #scorpiotarotarychannel
1 year agoPISCES ♓️- Opening yourself up! NEW MOON 🌑 IN LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE TAROT #tarotary #pisces #tarottarotarychannel
1 year agoSCORPIO ♏️- Repressed thoughts are revealed - FULL MOON 🌕IN PISCES TAROT READING #tarotary #scorpiotarotarychannel
1 year agoScorpio ♏️ - A revelation to seal the deal! Full Moon🌕 in Aries general tarot reading #tarotarytarotarychannel
1 year agoSagittarius ♐️- The roots of yoir foundation! Pisces New Moon 🌑 Tarot reading #Sagittarius #tarottarotarychannel
1 year agoSagittarius ♐️- Lunar eclipse 🌒 in Libra tarot reading #sagittarius #tarot #tarotarytarotarychannel
1 year agoCapricorn ♑️- Integrating lessons of closing chapters! New Moon in Sagittarius tarot #capricorntarotarychannel
1 year agoGemini♊️ - Expressing pent up emotions! Full Moon🌕in Aries general tarot reading #tarotary #geminitarotarychannel
10 months agoLibra ♎️- What goes around, comes around! New Moon in Taurus Tarot reading #libra #tarot #tarotarytarotarychannel
1 year agoLibra ♎️- Assessing new communications skills - New Moon in Sagittarius tarot #libra #tarotarytarotarychannel
1 year agoLeo ♌️- Finding a healthy balance within! Full Moon in Gemini tarot reading #leo #tarotary #tarottarotarychannel
1 year agoPisces ♓️- A need for balance! Full Moon 🌕in Virgo tarot reading #pisces #tarotary #tarottarotarychannel
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