11 months agoBREAKING: FDA loses its war on Ivermectin and agrees to remove all social media posts and consumer dmasummers
1 year agoDr. Paul Marik Exposes Our Healthcare System as the ‘Biggest Hoax’ in Medicine Outside of COVIDMinVo
1 year agoA ivermectina, também conhecida como “vermífugo para cavalos”, não só foi comprovada como um tratamento eficaz para COVID, mas agora também mostra profundas propriedades anticancerígenas.Primitivus
6 months agoNZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science 2024 Conference Coming UpAlice Springs To MindVerified
1 year agoDr. Paul Marik Speaks with Dr. Joe Mercola About His Personal Health Journey (April 2023)FLCCCAllianceVerified
11 months agoDr. Pierre Kory Speaking at Rally To Reclaim Free Speech (March 18, 2024)Independent Medical Alliance (Formerly FLCCC Alliance)Verified
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2 years agoA Remarkable Drug: “If You Had to Design a Drug for COVID, It Would Look Exactly Like Ivermectin’pepperpeep
1 year agoA Remarkable Drug: "If You Had to Design a Drug for COVID, It Would Look Exactly Like Ivermectin"Rolling With You
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2 years agoThe Government wanted Doctors to Kill their patients & gave BONUSESLiving for the 2nd Amendment