EXCLUSIVE: "It's An Intelligence Influence Operation"; D.I.A. Whistleblower Says Deep State Is Using UFO/UAP/UAV/Drone Psyop To Distract From Their Own Criminal Activity!
Thomas Massie, The ONLY Representative [Republican or Democrat] w/out an AIPAC Israeli Puppeteer Behind Them (Are We FUCK!NG Serious w/ That⁉️) Calls Out CLASSIC Illuminati Christmas Manipulation! — THIS is How We Got The Federal Reserve in 1913!
Canadian Prime Minister [W.E.F. Puppet], Justin Trudeau's Resignation is Imminent as Multiple Members of His Party Have Either Resigned or Called for His Resignation!
🚨 MAXIMUM ALERT!!! 🚨 House Spending Bill Establishes A Medical Dictatorship In The USA! The Illuminati and Their Democrats Is Publicly Launching A New COVID Style Lockdown Medical Scare!
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: U.S. Agencies Alerted To Prepare For Imminent Government Shutdown After Americans REJECT Illuminati Spending Bill That Expanded Covid Lockdown Powers, President Trump Warns “This Is A Biden Problem” — FULL SHOW (12/20/24)
DOUBLE FEATURE: The Smurfs Christmas Special (1982) + Tis The Season To Be Smurfy (1987) [Full TV Christmas Specials] | Holiday/Animated/Family | #MerryChristmas 🎄
LIVE EXPLOSIVE SUNDAY BROADCAST: Elon Musk Takes the Information War to the Next Level, Declaring Legacy Media Completely Dead! Under Musk’s Leadership X Users are Peacefully Toppling Globalist Governments Around the World! — FULL SHOW (12/22/24)
ONE A.I. TO RULE THEM ALL: Elon Musk Rightly Attacks Sam Altman’s $500 Billion "Stargate" Proposal After President Trump Meets With Lords Of A.I., + Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Promotes Project's mRNA Cancer Vaccines!