Samhain, A Pope Declared November 1st (the Day After Halloween) All Saints Day, When the Veil is Thinnest + Trick or Treat, People Generally Just Want Fun, They Don't Have Malicious Intent
Pray for the Salvation of those Bound in the Deepest Darkness, including Those Who Were Born into the Luciferian Brotherhood. Nobody Wants to Go to Hell. We Shouldn't Wish That on Anyone
Vril Society, Nazis, Operation Paperclip, Advanced Technology, Hidden Underground by Luciferian Brotherhood + What is the Cost of the Information They Receive?
Cover Ups and the Need to Keep the Public Ignorant, Antarctica + Bare Feet, Receiving Energy Through the Soles of Your Feet, Shoes Which Prevent That Process
Jessie and Her Training Partner Hid in a Wardrobe, Saw a Child Taken into a Room and Being Forced to Participate in Sex Magick + Pentagrams, Military Bases and Hangars are Used
Programming vs Programmed, Col. Michael Aquino, Shift to Targeting Will, Ethics, Morals + The Breath of God, The Light Side and the Dark Side of the System