5 years agoLet's GO On A FIELD TRIP!!!/ Family Of 8/Aquarium/ Science/ Having FUN With FRIENDS/ IMAX MOVIE!!!The Texas BoysVerified
5 years agoMEGA VLOG!!!/ Is Our Jersey Cow Pregnant?/ Testing if Our Cow are A2-A2/ Picking up Joy's New Bull!!The Texas BoysVerified
5 years agoGrocery Haul Y'all!!!/ Monthy Grocery Haul/ Shopping for a Family of 8!!!The Texas BoysVerified
6 years agoTeens Find Gold Rings in a Abandon House/ Exploring Old Creepy Houses/ Finding a Amazing Gully!!!The Texas BoysVerified
5 years agoOUR HOUSE IS WHITE!!!/ Little Girl's Room Remodel/ Farmer's market!!!The Texas BoysVerified
5 years agoJumping a Tractor With an Audi!!! /Buying 5 acres of land/ Tiny House/ 30 Hay Bales Get dropped offThe Texas BoysVerified
6 years agoFamily Vlog day/ Morning routine/ Cutting Fire wood/ What life is like with 6 kids!?!The Texas BoysVerified
6 years agoFlashlight Review/ Will It Survive??? Drop Test/Vehicle Test/ Road Test/Smash Test/The Fire Test!!!The Texas BoysVerified
6 years agoFamily Vlog day/ Buddy's B-Day!!!/ Morning routine/ Making pizza/ Cutting Fire wood!!!The Texas BoysVerified