The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening | Who Is the Real Enemy? Who Is the Real Bill Gates? Mikki Willis Describes the Divide and Conquer Strategy of Our Enemies
Bill Gates Insider Geert Van Den Bossche Warns of Massive Population Plunge in ‘Highly Vaccinated Countries’ - December 14, 2023, VSRF Live #106- Dr. Geert Van Den Bossche on “White Lung” Pneumonia
China & Russia | "We Are for Use of Chinese Yuan In Settlements Between Russia & the Countries of Asia, Africa & Latin America." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) "Change We Haven't Seen In 100 Years." - Xi Jinpin
Elon Musk | "We Must Have Democratization of AI Technology & Make It Widely Available. That's the Reason You (Sam Altman), Me (Elon Musk) And the Rest of the Team (Gates Invested $1 Billion Into Open AI) Created OpenAI." - Musk (2016)
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Is Chris Cuomo Now Claiming to Be Vaccine Injured? "Making mRNA Is Really Easy & Really Cheap. Is Alot of LIPID Nanoparticles & Some Are Very Self-Assembling." - Bill Gates + Navarro & Fauci
Bill Gates Discussing Death Panels | What Is Bill Gates Talking About? | "And That's Called the Death Panel, But You Are Not Supposed to Have That Discussion." - Bill Gates