The Great Reset | CERN 101 | Why Does CERN Have a 666 Logo? Why Is CERN Located On Top of the Former Temple of Apollyon? Why Is Shiva Statue In Front of CERN?
Italy's New Prime Minister | "Each of Us Has a Unique Genetic Code That Is Unrepeatable and Like It Or Not That Is Sacred and We Will Defend It. We Will Defend God, Country & Family"
Liz Crokin | Liz Crokin the Investigative Journalist That Broke PIZZAGATE Joins the ReAwaken America Tour January 20th & 21st Nashville, TN!!! (Only 887 Tickets Remaining)
Dollar Collapse | "The Bank of International Settlements In April of 2019 Quietly Classified Gold As the World's ONLY Other Tier 1 Reserve Asset" - Andy Schectman