1. Roads reopened following heavy rain in Toronto area !

    Roads reopened following heavy rain in Toronto area !

  2. Beautiful weather but dangerous swimming and boating conditions for Chicago area !

    Beautiful weather but dangerous swimming and boating conditions for Chicago area !

  3. New DNC security measures take downtown Chicago by surprise !

    New DNC security measures take downtown Chicago by surprise !

  4. Groups continue legal battle with City of Chicago over protests at DNC !

    Groups continue legal battle with City of Chicago over protests at DNC !

  5. CTV National News | Friday Aug, 16, 2024: Burst Montreal water main floods streets, homes !

    CTV National News | Friday Aug, 16, 2024: Burst Montreal water main floods streets, homes !

  6. First-ever DMV+ for Illinois opens in Chicago suburbs !

    First-ever DMV+ for Illinois opens in Chicago suburbs !

  7. Chicago hotels gear up for Democratic National Convention !

    Chicago hotels gear up for Democratic National Convention !

  8. Chicago area corrections officer brought drug-soaked paper into jail, police say !

    Chicago area corrections officer brought drug-soaked paper into jail, police say !

  9. Abraham Lincoln Book Shop welcomes DNC visitors to Chicago !

    Abraham Lincoln Book Shop welcomes DNC visitors to Chicago !

  10. Chicago area corrections officer brought drug-soaked paper into jail, police say !

    Chicago area corrections officer brought drug-soaked paper into jail, police say !

  11. Scattered rain coming after noon Saturday in Chicago !

    Scattered rain coming after noon Saturday in Chicago !

  12. President Biden, Hillary Clinton, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson to speak at DNC's first night !

    President Biden, Hillary Clinton, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson to speak at DNC's first night !

  13. How you can save on shopping for back to school supplies !

    How you can save on shopping for back to school supplies !

  14. From spitting to the sprinkler: Unpacking the alpaca !

    From spitting to the sprinkler: Unpacking the alpaca !

  15. DNC brings mix of excitement and frustration to Chicago !

    DNC brings mix of excitement and frustration to Chicago !

  16. Is our 'addiction' to cheap foreign labour hurting young people? | About That !

    Is our 'addiction' to cheap foreign labour hurting young people? | About That !

  17. Is our 'addiction' to cheap foreign labour hurting young people? | About That !

    Is our 'addiction' to cheap foreign labour hurting young people? | About That !

  18. More patients traveling to Chicago for cosmetic procedures !

    More patients traveling to Chicago for cosmetic procedures !

  19. Why are so many people going to family court without a lawyer? !

    Why are so many people going to family court without a lawyer? !

  20. Former Chicago Police supt. explains how police might deal with protest agitators !

    Former Chicago Police supt. explains how police might deal with protest agitators !

  21. Pro-Palestinian activists prepare to march on DNC in Chicago !

    Pro-Palestinian activists prepare to march on DNC in Chicago !

  22. Scattered rain coming after noon Saturday in Chicago !

    Scattered rain coming after noon Saturday in Chicago !
