Biden Clown Show for his fake audience: "We have already cut the deficit by $1 trillion!.. Over a million miles round trip over the time I was in the US Senate!.. this is not, was not a joke!"
Biden Clown Show: "My theology professor had been drafted by the Green Bay Packers... Liz Shuler — president of ayeeffffellseeyuhh!.. I've gone around the world literally meeting with the leading architects of AI!"
Biden ice-cream social Clown Show: "Billionaires' tax rate is 8.3%. We made them pay only 23%. So they're not paying 15%. I'm not joking. A lot of people still struggling since we ended the pandemic, since I ended the pandemic..."
Biden Clown Propaganda-Lies-Nonsense Show: "Mortgage rates are falling and they're gonna fall more.. 440 new jobs since I came into office.. How many of you spent time in McDonald parking lots to do the homework..."
When you sold your country for clown junk food - When you sold your country for clown junk food - Ukrainian mayor boasts about opening a new McDonald's in the city!