Speaker Of The House | Is the Republican Party Choosing a World Economic Forum Member to Become the Speaker of the House? PRO TIP: When In Doubt, DON'T VOTE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM MEMBERS INTO LEADERSHIP POSITIONS
FOC Show: Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, Xi Jinping, Yuval Noah Harari are ALL IN FAVOR OF 4 THINGS... - Clay Clark; Rules for DEFEATING Radicals - Chris Adamo
FOC Show: VACCINE INJURY: A Regression into Autism - Daniel Austin; Feeling Broke? Money Won't Solve Your Problems. - Vidar Ligard; Where Are The Warriors? - Jeremy Slayden
FOC Show: Trans Day of Vengeance - Pastor Mark Burns; Biological Man is Women of the Year; Nashville Shooting - Breanna Morello; A Great Way to Restore Our Republic - Matt Meck | Election Insider