2 years ago🌝 New Moon in Pisces for ♌️ Leo Collective (Sun, Moon, Rising & Venus) Relationships/Career/MoneyMarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♌️ Leo - release the negativity! #tarot #tarotreading #leo #fullmoonTarot & Astrology with Michelle
2 years ago♌️ Leo - let others help you! #tarot #tarotreading #leo #mayTarot & Astrology with Michelle
2 years ago♌️ Leo - taking the time you need to heal! #tarot #tarotreading #leo #mayTarot & Astrology with Michelle
3 years agoGEMINI- TAROT READINGS 2021 - JULY #GEMINIlovetarotscope #GEMINIhoroscopereading #GEMINIpredictionsFunny Pets, Holistic Living, Tarot
2 years ago🌟 ♑️ Capricorn: Their Feelings for you...BONUS: "The YING to THEIR YANG" [♍️ Virgo Season 2022]MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago🌟 ♉️ Taurus: Their Confessions...BONUS: "Taking the necessary steps" [♍️ Virgo Season 2022]MarveMadameTarot