1. Online Casino Gaming News || Special Report!

    Online Casino Gaming News || Special Report!

  2. Check baccarat bonus In Gambling

    Check baccarat bonus In Gambling

  3. Live Baccarat - Broken algorithm. Switches C/R after X # of losses but only if last 3 were the same

    Live Baccarat - Broken algorithm. Switches C/R after X # of losses but only if last 3 were the same

  4. Live Baccarat - Went to 9th level of LCS No Retreat but otherwise a fast easy 50 units

    Live Baccarat - Went to 9th level of LCS No Retreat but otherwise a fast easy 50 units

  5. Reset to BEC BER T2s LCS 3L Stop. With reset after recovery, 3 LIAR wait, & bet size adjustment.

    Reset to BEC BER T2s LCS 3L Stop. With reset after recovery, 3 LIAR wait, & bet size adjustment.

  6. Link to Excel sheets folder is now in every video's description. ...405 units won in this session.

    Link to Excel sheets folder is now in every video's description. ...405 units won in this session.

  7. Lesson 10: Baccarat Strategies to make money like the 2%. #baccarat

    Lesson 10: Baccarat Strategies to make money like the 2%. #baccarat
