No Matter How Bad You Think Earth is Most Souls DON'T Act This Way Before Arrival.. Unless You're One of the Few Who SPECIFICALLY Cared Nothing for Participating with and Watching Humanity During The Great Awakening! #HoldUpiThinkiMadeAmistake
VOTE TRUMP. ...His Words Not Mine (But I Agree, Though I Don't Think Many Quiet-Mouthed 'Spiritual Teachers' Who Counted on Him in Their Own –Fixed– Way Do; Nor Did They Expect This 😂)
LOL: Is Biden Saying FvkKk You to the Illuminati "Big-Wigs" Who Had Him Kicked Out of the Presidency? Side Note: NOOO, it's Not a Masonic Illuminati Ritual to Humiliate Him Though—This is Too-Good Marketing for Trump!
Joe Hoft: We Caught All the Corrupt Actors Who Refused to Investigate The 2020 Election in Georgia and Who Chose to Allow Election Crimes to Take Place In That State