Former FBI and Ex-Military Reveals the Fate of America—IT WILL FALL AND FAIL, But the Phoenix CAN Rise From the Ashes, Removing the U.S. Corporation and Rebuilding America the Republic. | WE in 5D: AT THIS STAGE This is the Bottlenecked Timeline Left.
Former FBI Special Agent, Ted Gunderson, Reveals Details of Ritualistic Child Abuse of The Illuminati within Our U.S. Government of Household Names! (Full Workshop)
The 144 Coded Should Know This.. it's Time Now—REALLY! Your Twin Flame Lies within the 6D Version of You; + The 0D, and WE in 5D Regurgitates This Info to Help Further Inner-Standing! | Matías De Stefano's YouTube Channel in Description ⬇
33rd Degree Masonic Knowledge—Nothing More Than Law of Attraction.. the Question is, How are You Using This? TOPIC: (((Your Magnetism))) Health and Manifestation | Manly P. Hall
Why the Rightwing is it’s Own Worst Enemy (Drama, Accusations, Low Creativity/Limited Art, Self-Imposed Depression), Why Liberals Have an Advantage, and the Lack of Understanding Light & Dark. FINALLY—Open Discussions, Solutions, Celebrations!
The Variety of Humans Who Will Struggle or Fail and Falter in This Age of Aquarius Before it (the Age) Fully Integrates and Forms into it’s Light Aspect (The Golden Age).
Roseanne After Ending the First Run of Her Show, as The Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz (B-Roll Footage 1997) | Roseanne Takes Advantage of Exercising Her Shadow on the Stage as any Brilliant Artist Would!