2 years agoArron Said_As long as Jamaica is part of the commonwealth_Queen Elizabeth ll is Bolt's head of stateMISTERELIOTT
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2 years agoThe French city of Grenoble has authorized the wearing of the burkini in state-run swimming poolsMISTERELIOTT
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1 year agoTata Lolo Fodja alias Pipi lorsque le complexe d'Œdipe - un concept mis en lumière par Sigmund FreudMISTERELIOTT
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2 years agoU.S. monkeypox case reported, as Spain, Portugal report infections in growing outbreakMISTERELIOTT
2 years agoÊTRE PARFAITE SEXY BELLE et DIRE NON À DUBAÏ PORTA POTTY_le perfectionnisme coûte cher émotionnellemMISTERELIOTT
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2 years agoLa violence conjugale peut être physique, mais également psycho_ELECTIONS POURQUOI JE DEFENDS LA FEMMISTERELIOTT
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