3 years agoMASSIVE, FREAKING, WINNING!!! Dem Defections, Trump trolls, Young Voters and MoreLumberjack Logic
3 years agoYOU CAN'T WIN IF YOU DON'T SHOW UP! Major interview. Crush the Elites. A MUST WATCH!Lumberjack Logic
3 years agoIS THIS TRUDEAU'S BIGGEST SCANDAL? Trying to cover ALL his scandals. #FREEDOMCONVOY2022Lumberjack Logic
3 years agoZUCK ASKED FOR IT!! FAKEBOOK IS GOING DOWN!! The demise of another anti A1 platform.Lumberjack Logic
3 years agoMUST WATCH!! RCMP "NEGOTIATING" WITH TRUCKERS. The truckers don't cede ground.Lumberjack Logic