BRICS | What Saudi Vision 2030? What Is Saudi Arabia's "The Line" Project? Why Is Israel Discussing Giving Saudi Arabia Official Status On the Temple Mount? Who Is MBS? What Is the Goal of Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, the Crown Prince
Klaus Schwab | "Two Move from a Society That Is Based Upon Production & Consumption to a Society That Is Based On Caring & Sharing." - Klaus Schwab Speaks About His Vision for The Great Reset
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode #32 -- Tuesday, April 19th, 2022/19 Nisan, 5782) Chairman: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Host: Betsie Saltzberg. Guest: Dr. Peter R. Breggin
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Issue of Whether the Climate Crisis Is Real That's a Purely Scientific Issue. It's Not a Matter for Politicians or Even for Voters to Say If It's Real or Not."
COVID-19 Shots | HORRIFYING Security Footage of the HORRIFYING COVID-19 Shot Side Effects and the HORRIFYING Blood Clots Found Inside People's Bodies + 6 Foot Long Blood Clots? People Dying At 35X the Rate They Were Before the COVID-19 Shots?