The Great Reset versus The Great ReAwakening | Attorney Thomas Renz | How We Are Going to Expose the Fraud of Dr. Fauci & How to Win in the Court of Law and Court of Public Opinion
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Could Be the End of Democracy" + "There Is Chance That the Next Presidential Election Would Be the Last Presidential Election In U.S. History (10/28/22)
#145 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Mike Lindell Shreds Matt Braynard Of Look Away America For His Support Of Ballot Harvesting - The WORST Strategy Ever - YOU CAN'T BEAT THE CORRUPT & FRAUDULENT UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTION SYSTEM!
Dr. Rashid Buttar | Dollar Collapse | "America Printed the U.S. Dollar. We Controlled the World Currency. It's Been Very Nice. But, What Would Happen If It Ended?" - Tucker Carlson (April 5th 2023)
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? Why Did Musk Found OpenAI With Funding from Bill Gates? "Twitter Is Effectively An Accelerant to X, the Everything APP." + "My Idea, We Just Copy WeChat. Copy Them." - Elon Musk
Abortions | Why Is the Satanic Temple Opening an Abortion Clinic to Provide 'Religious Abortion' and 'Abortion Ritual 'Care? - The Horror Stories of Planned Parenthood Exposed
Vaccinated | "Two Different Classes of People If You're Vaccinated or Unvaccinated. If You Vaccinated You Have All These Rights." + "You Need to Know Who Is Vaccinated And Who Hasn't Been." - Tony Blair (World Economic Forum
Transhumanism | From Transgender to Transhuman Author "I Believe Our Mind Clones Will Ultimately Be Our Best Friends." - Martine Rothblatt (Transgender & Top Earning CEO in Biopharmaceutical Industry in 2018)
First Ever Graphene Semiconductors + Scientists from Russia & China Have Successfully Established Quantum Communication Over Distance of 3800 Kilometers = China Using Brain Control Weapons "Humans Are Hackable Animals" - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Dreams About a World without Hierarchy, without Injustice, without Poverty, a world with COMPLETELY DIFFERENT LAWS. We Will Rebuild the TEMPLE and Create a New Perfect Utopian Society?"