ReAwaken America Tour Heads to Branson, MO!!! | 345 Tickets Remain for Branson (November 4th & 5th) + Tickets Now On Sales for Nashville, TN (January 20th & 21st)!!!
Angela Stanton King | “Don’t Tell Me This Is Not Discrimination, That I Can’t Work, I Can’t Fly Because I Refuse To Take An Experimental Jab? That Doesn’t Even Work!” - Angela Stanton King
Yuval Noah Harari | "Money Is a Fictional Story That We Created By Exchanging Information Between Us. Most of the Dollars In the World Are Not Even Pieces of Paper. It's Just a Story That We Believe. It's Not a Reality Out There."
PRIDE FLAG | Why Was the Rainbow Colored Pride Flag Was Created By Gilbert Barker In 1978 to Represent the Gay Community? "If Homosexuality Was Against Nature It Just Couldn't Exist...I Can Even Write a NEW BIBLE." - Yuval Noah Harari