1. Voicemail: Ken from California has a Foot Fetish Too

    Voicemail: Ken from California has a Foot Fetish Too

  2. Drake is NOT a Simp, He's a Talented Incel | Tough Love w/ Crishaun the Don

    Drake is NOT a Simp, He's a Talented Incel | Tough Love w/ Crishaun the Don

  3. The "Donald Trump White Supremacy" Narrative is Over

    The "Donald Trump White Supremacy" Narrative is Over

  4. Democrats Ignore Joe Biden & Hunter Biden Scandal

    Democrats Ignore Joe Biden & Hunter Biden Scandal

  5. Jewish Community Protest Masks in New York...Left Tries to Compare It to BLM Riots

    Jewish Community Protest Masks in New York...Left Tries to Compare It to BLM Riots

  6. Debate: Crishaun the Don & Taj Bin John Discuss Politics, Racism, Private Prisons & Much More!

    Debate: Crishaun the Don & Taj Bin John Discuss Politics, Racism, Private Prisons & Much More!

  7. Media Lies About Group That Plotted To Kidnap Michigan Gov

    Media Lies About Group That Plotted To Kidnap Michigan Gov

  8. Black Lives Matter Doesn't Really Like or Want "White Allies"

    Black Lives Matter Doesn't Really Like or Want "White Allies"

  9. The Character Assassination of Andrew Tate | Tough Love

    The Character Assassination of Andrew Tate | Tough Love

  10. "My ex still pays my bills" | The Term "Modern Woman" Actually Means Black Woman

    "My ex still pays my bills" | The Term "Modern Woman" Actually Means Black Woman

  11. Tom Brady: The GOAT? or Overhyped? | The Bad Sports Ep 5

    Tom Brady: The GOAT? or Overhyped? | The Bad Sports Ep 5

  12. Nasty Leroy Vs. World Famous CB in GCW Backyard Wrestling

    Nasty Leroy Vs. World Famous CB in GCW Backyard Wrestling

  13. What would you do if you were Dictator for a day?

    What would you do if you were Dictator for a day?

  14. The Positives of #BlackLivesMatter Debunked! | What's Wrong? With Crishaun the Don

    The Positives of #BlackLivesMatter Debunked! | What's Wrong? With Crishaun the Don

  15. Why WWE Smackdown is the Best Wrestling Show on TV

    Why WWE Smackdown is the Best Wrestling Show on TV

  16. Neil Degrasse Tyson Has a Hard Time Explaining Transgenderism

    Neil Degrasse Tyson Has a Hard Time Explaining Transgenderism

  17. We Watched WWE Raw for the First Time in a Year | The Reality Era is the End of Wrestling #RawReview

    We Watched WWE Raw for the First Time in a Year | The Reality Era is the End of Wrestling #RawReview