Robert Kiyosaki | "The Great Reset Is the COLLAPSE of the U.S. Dollar." + President Trump’s Friend & Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Discusses: The CashFlow Quadrant, Biden Is a Communist, Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset & the Dollar Collapse
The New World Order, One World Government, STOPPED by President Putin, and President Trump, and Populations Worldwide. Hey WEF! We The People Control Everything, and It Makes Us Happy
Yuval Noah Harari | The Great Reset EXPLAINED | "Direct Brain-Computer Interfaces, Adding a Second Inorganic Immune System Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nano Robots."
The Great Reset | Why Did Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Yuval Noah Harari State, "We Will Have the Ability to Read the Thoughts In the Minds of Another Person Directly Whether They Want It Or Not. Just Think About What the CIA Could Do with It?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Hitlers of the 21st Century with Tools Like A.I. and Bioengineering, They Will Have the Ability to Reengineer the Human Body and the Mind."