Attacks Against Jessie Have Been Going on for Over 4 Years (Circa July 2021), These Attacks Have Escalated, Private Details Have Been Exposed, Lies Have Been Added + What is the Purpose of the Attacks?
Spiritual Warfare, Advice, The Devil Wants to Destroy Your Faith + When Occultists Come After John Ramirez he Wants to Offer them a Fair Fight + God Loves a Misfit
The Midsummer Solstice Ritual Occurs Before the 12-Year-Old or First Blasphemy Ritual which involves Gang Rape, Cannibalism, Murder, Full Initiation + Jessie Saw 2 of those Rituals at Gloria Vanderbilt's House
Harps and Trumpets Being Heard Around the World, Mechanical Spiritual Gates or Chained Demons + Are We in the End-Times Now? + 1,000 Year Reign of Christ, Second Harvest
Tarot Cards + Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding Really are Spiritual Gifts, God Can Give You More + King Solomon Asked for More Wisdom, He Was Led Astray By His Wives into Witchcraft
Exorcism, Ed & Lorraine Warren (Shown in a Later Clip) + The Higher Levels in the Occult Don't Do Séances, They Don't Need to Summon Spirits Because The Spirits Show Up Anyway + George's Paranormal Experience
Protector Assassins were Called into Question by the Satanic Council + The Role of Protector Assassins, They Fight on Behalf of the Elites They Protect, Fight Against Other Protectors, Physical and Spiritual Warfare
Hunts, Fertility, Principalities Ba'al and Ashtoreth, Virgin Girls and Boys (And What That Actually Means in the System) + Events that are Made to Look Like a Fun Retreat, School Outings + Child Sacrifices Take Place