COVID-19 Vaccines | "The Pfizer Vaccine Is Contaminated In With Plasma DNA, It's Not Just mRNA, It's Got Bits of DNA In It." - Doctor Phillip Buckhaults (Cancer Genomic Expert) | "The SV40 (Cancer Causing Genes) Sequence Should No
Artificial Intelligence | "Artificial Intelligence Creating New Virus That Kills Billions of People, A New Pandemic." - Yuval Noah Harari + U.K. Scientists Developing Vaccine for Deadly Pathogen (Before the Disease Exists?)
Dr. Judy Mikovits | What's In COVID Shots? "Every Shot Is A Bio-Weapon." | What Are Replication-Defective Viruses As Vaccines & Vaccine Vectors? Since 2009 mRNA Has Been In Flu Shots? Shots Include Diphtheria, Hepatitis B, Monkey-Kidney
Dr. Rashid Buttar | “People That Haven’t Had The Vaccine It Is Considered To Be A 11% Risk Factor In The Next 5 Years You Will Have An Event, When You Get The Vaccine It Goes Up To 25%.” - Dr. Rashid Buttar
Vaccine Nanotechnology | What is Vaccine Nanotechnology? with Doctor Mark Sherwood + "People Will Literally Be a Part of a Network. All of the Bodies, All of the Brains Would Be Connected to A Network." - Yuval Noah Harari
COVID Vaccines | "The Pfizers (Vaccines) Are Full of SV40...What We Put Into Mice to Help Them Grow Tumors So We Could Pour Chemotherapy Into Them to See If It Worked for the Tumors." - Professor Angus Dalgleish
Chris Cuomo | "The Problem Is That People Sean & Me Who Still Have Weird Stuff With Their Blood Work (COVID-19 Vaccines) Are Not Going Away?" - Chris Cuomo + "The Answer Is a Vaccine Passport." - Chris Cuomo
Great Reset | "WHO Is Not Independent. WHO's Current Sugar Daddy Is Bill Gates. Who Has Made Billions Out of His Investment In the Same Vaccines That WHO Promotes. Bill Gates Bought Who. They Now Recommend His Products. It Is That Simple."
COVID-19 Vaccine | Vaccine Passport Push Coming Soon? More COVID Lockdowns In China, Social Credit Scores In Action + How Are Social Credit Scores Working Out In China?
Ron Johnson | Summary Of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's 3-Hour Washington D.C. COVID-19 Roundtable Meeting "People In the U.K. That Took the COVID-19 Vaccine Have a 26% Higher Mortality Rate."
COVID Vaccines | "I Have Patients Who Have Clearly Relapsed (With Melanoma) Following the Booster Vaccine." - Professor Angus Dalgleish | Consultant Medical Oncologist | Qualifications MD FRCP FRACP FRCPath Fmed Sci