4 years ago(044)牛年如何驅邪避凶?How do we drive away evil spirits in the Year of the Ox? 【安妮日記】Annie's Sunday 安妮日記 【安妮日记】
4 years ago(047) 你知道你說了“敏感詞”嗎? Do you know that you’ve said the "sensitive words"?【安妮日記】Annie's Sunday 安妮日記 【安妮日记】
4 years ago【安妮日記】中美真的會完全脫鈎嗎?Will China and the US really disconnect completely?Annie's Sunday 安妮日記 【安妮日记】
4 years ago【安妮日記】反共與愛國矛盾嗎?Is there a contradiction between anti-communism and patriotism?Annie's Sunday 安妮日記 【安妮日记】
4 years ago【安妮日記】從《姐姐的救贖》被提名說起 Beginning with the nomination of "Sister's Salvation"Annie's Sunday 安妮日記 【安妮日记】