Biden has "black friends," but can't name one, brags about his Sec Of Defense but can't recall his name - "a black man," makes a Freudian slip on his mom story telling him not to go to the black community or get in trouble..
Biden-Harris made up stories to be continued. Kamala says she "worked at McDonalds" and used it as some inspiring story: "I did the French fries and I did the ice cream."
Meghan McCain rips Kamala Harris for making up a brand new story about how John McCain told her she would 'make a great senator': "I remember what he actually said about Harris in private. It just doesn't sound like him."
Q: "Why did Biden tell the same story word for word 2 times in the same speech?" Biden's Press Sec: "81 million people" voted for him "to get our economy back on track" and to have "an adult in the room."