This is What Awakening Sovereigns Speak Like! ...Next?—Stop Paying Taxes! They're ACTUALLY Illegal‼️ After That?—You Keep SPEAKING to YOUR EMPLOYEES What You Expect of Them and Why Your Voted(HIRED) Them!
🚨 President Trump's Emergency WW3 Warning 🚨 HE FINALLY SAID IT—We're Actually The Bad Guys! 47 Calls For Ukraine & Russia to Declare IMMEDIATE Cease Fire to STOP The Escalation Of Nuclear Armageddon! | #DontPayTaxes #EndTheFedForThem
The CIA Plans to Stop President Trump Accelerates with False Flags Tied to Iran, Christopher Wray Resigns as FBI Director, the BIGGEST Child Trafficking Happening in Guatemala, and More! | Redacted News
BREAKING: NATO Tells Europe to Prepare for WW3 as President Trump Works to Stop it, Al Qaeda Now "Our Friends"?, the Continued Push That the VaxXx is Safe Which Few Buy Anymore, and More! | Redacted News
🚨 NEW DISEASE WILL KEEP US IN CONTROL 🚨 [Says Globalists] Planning To Officially Launch Their Next Plandemic In A Desperate Attempt To Bring Back Lockdowns, Forced Injections, And Medical Tyranny To Stop The Surging Of Worldwide Populism/Freedom!
Elvira's Movie Macabre: Count Dracula's Great Love (1973) | Spanish Horror/Vampire | Paul Naschy, Haydée Politoff, Rosanna Yanni, Mirta Miller, Victor Alcazar, Ingrid Garbo. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
The Celebration Has Been Nice [Hell, Don't Stop!] –BUT– You Have to Know and Take Action in Response to the FACT That Evolving Geopolitical Matters COULD Bring About Nuclear Armageddon! — Russell Brand | #StopPayingTaxes #EndTheFedForThem
WW3 FALSE FLAG ALERT: Dr. Naomi Wolf Warns The Desperate Illuminati Democrats May Stage a Nuclear Attack on Ukraine or The U.S. to Engulf The World in Total War to Stop The RIGHTFUL President Trump!
BREAKING: President Putin SHOCKED The World Today—Launching NEW-Tech Nuclear-Capable Warheads That "NATO Can't Stop", Biden Calls for His Own Impeachment (WATCH!), Matt Gaetz Withdraws His Appointment as A.G. + More! | Redacted News