Artificial Intelligence | "Artificial Intelligence Creating New Virus That Kills Billions of People, A New Pandemic." - Yuval Noah Harari + U.K. Scientists Developing Vaccine for Deadly Pathogen (Before the Disease Exists?)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Jesus Never Claimed to Be God, He Was Basically This Hippy Guru Who Wanted to Reform Judaism. Jesus Did Not Think He Was Yahweh. Decades After He Is Dead, People Say This Rabbi Who Had a Small Following Was Actually God."
Banking Crisis? | $525 Billion in Bank Losses Threaten Banks Already Troubled Banks + BRICS? What Are Bail-Ins? What Was the Purpose of the Dodd-Frank Act? "This Is the Biggest Thing People Are Not Talking About." - MTG
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? What Is the Purpose of Neuralink? + "There Is 8 Billion People In the World. At Least a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink)." - Elon Musk (October 28th 2024)
Dr. Stella Immanuel | “Why Is Revelation So Hard for People to Grasp And to Read to Understand?” - Tucker Carlson + “COVID Was a Trojan Horse for the Vaccine, the Vaccine Is a Trojan Horse for Transhumanism.” - Dr. Stella
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Baphomet? What's the Connection Between Baphomet & Hollywood? "Hollywood Is Not There to Entertain. Hollywood Is There to Detain You. Most of the Things In Hollywood Are Designed to Program People" - Dr. Stella
Yuval Noah Harari | "For Alot of People, Chat GPT Becomes Like the Bible. Whatever They Want to Know, They Just Ask AI & Whatever the AI Says They Just Believe." + "AI Can Even Write a New Bible." - Yuval Noah Harari
CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "I'm Concerned About the Lack That People Have About the Implementation of Things Like a Digital Currency That Is Centralized." - Joe Rogan
Project Blue Beam | "The Fourth Step of Project Blue Beam Was Going to Use Various Technologies to Convince People That Alien Invasions Were Taking Place." - Candace Owens + Mainstream Media Pushing an Alien Narrative?
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is Developing to Build Intimate Relationship with Human Beings." + "People Will Feel That Their AI Friend Is A Conscious & Therefore Should Be Granted Rights & There Is a Legal Path for How to Do It."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Covid Is Critical Because This What Convinces People to Accept Total Biological Surveillance. This Was Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin." - October 3rd 2020 | Who Is Harari?
Hollywood | "They Are Always In This Wild-Ass Cult of Weirdness. These People Are Always Going On Auditions. They Are Always Like Please Choose Me! Please Choose Me! Everyone Is Losing Their Minds & Everyone Is In Therapy." - Joe Rogan
Elon Musk | Ilina Singh Speaking At World Economic Forum, "Being Wired Into the Internet. We Have to Solve the Wiring Problem, So There Are People like Elon Musk Who Are Working On Closed Loop Systems." - 2/20/2020
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "The Way They Pulled Out of Afghanistan With the People Falling Off the Planes. It Was So Bad & There Was No Reason for It."
CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "CDBC Can Allow Government Agencies and Private Sector Players to Program...Those Money Can Be Precisely Targeted for What Kind of People Can Own and What Kind of Use This Money Can Be Utilized For."