3 Days & 13 Tickets Remain for Indoor Las Vegas ReAwaken Tour | Full Schedule Released!!! + Parking? Food? Meet & Greet? Schedule Updates? Join General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Doctor Stella, Don Jr., & Team America!! Text 918-851-0102 for Tickets
Ray Dalio | "A Debt Death Spiral. That's Where We Are Approaching" + "People Don't Have Adequate Amounts of GOLD. When Bad Times Come, Gold Is a Very Effective...10-15% In the Portfolio Is Worth Giving Thought To."
Elon Musk | Why Does Elon Musk INTENTIONALLY SAY? "This Is the Most Interesting of Times." "May You Live In Interesting Times" Translates In Chinese to: "Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos.&q