James Giordano | Why Is Dr Giordano Talking About the Medical Branches of NATO Conjuring Up Some Nano-Particulate Dust That Can Cause Stroke Epidemics? "Nano-Particulate Stroke or a Hemorrhagic Diathesis (People Having Brain Bleeds)."
Turkey | Turkey Applies to Join BRICS | Turkey Becomes the First NATO Country to Request Membership Into the BRICS Block Alliance | Turkey’s bid for BRICS both a strategic and symbolic step, - CNBC (9/10/24)
CODEINA e LEAN (Purple Drunk) DOCUMENTARIO il documentario tratta le droghe dal punto di vista prettamente scientifico e farmacologico.NON SI INCITA NESSUNO A FARNE USO E DI NON USARE QUESTE DROGHE SINTETICHE