1. Preparing Switch #2 (SW2) - Step 2 - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

    Preparing Switch #2 (SW2) - Step 2 - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

  2. Preparing Switch #2 (SW2) - Step 1 - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

    Preparing Switch #2 (SW2) - Step 1 - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

  3. Demonstration of Finished Project - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

    Demonstration of Finished Project - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

  4. Connecting the 9V Battery - Step 7: A Simple Switch Circuit

    Connecting the 9V Battery - Step 7: A Simple Switch Circuit

  5. Adding a Push-Button Switch - Step 3: A Simple Switch Circuit

    Adding a Push-Button Switch - Step 3: A Simple Switch Circuit

  6. Making a Test Circuit to Check Your DC Motor - Troubleshooting Scrubberbot Prototype

    Making a Test Circuit to Check Your DC Motor - Troubleshooting Scrubberbot Prototype

  7. LED ON When Switch Is in OFF Position - Troubleshooting Scrubberbot Prototype

    LED ON When Switch Is in OFF Position - Troubleshooting Scrubberbot Prototype

  8. Soldering Disc Capacitors Across DC Motor Terminals - Robot Project: Scrubberbot

    Soldering Disc Capacitors Across DC Motor Terminals - Robot Project: Scrubberbot

  9. Cigar Tube Circuit Tester Demonstration - Switching Polarities

    Cigar Tube Circuit Tester Demonstration - Switching Polarities

  10. Preparing Switch #1 (SW1) - Step 3 - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

    Preparing Switch #1 (SW1) - Step 3 - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

  11. Preparing Switch #1 (SW1) - Step 2 - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard

    Preparing Switch #1 (SW1) - Step 2 - The Ultimate DIY 3220-Point Breadboard
