2 years agoThis week’s Jewish terminology word is: zees (pronounced- ZISS) #toalltheboysilovedbeforeMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoThat time the bosom of Abraham Lincoln saved Texas Jews from the bigotry of Ulysses S. GrantMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years ago( I almost went messanic) #justsayno #fullclass Devarim Ch 10 & 11 Spirit not blood, & CourageMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
3 years agoZona Norte Tijuana(2021)Walk Tour Zona Norte Tijuana Mexico|Did I Get Beat Up Recording Prostitutes?roddebod
2 years agoThis week’s Jewish terminology word is: Yigdal #13 #mariespeaksgodsgrace #didyouknowMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
7 years agoTow truck driver's conscience takes over; calls 911 and follows suspected drunk driverWPTVVerified
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2 years agoRaiders NEED to hold a private team meeting before the Titans gameRaiders Report by Chat Sports
5 years ago#Comicsgate Comic Book Showcase Live Edition! Drinks w/ Alberto MartinezDarkGift ComicsVerified
2 years agoClass: Devarim ch 2: You're offered Torah! Everyone is offered the Torah, but not everyone accepts..Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoBREAKING: James O'Keefe REMOVED from Project Veritas following Board dispute👇DiggTrueInfor17
2 years agoDevarim Ch 6: #Hear, #Acknowledge, and #Observe (#Shema ) #peace #home #land #mariespeaksgodsgraceMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoAudio PC Devarim Ch 8-The Testing is Good and From G-D & Ch 9 Possess the Land or be DispossessedMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoHow we conduct Bible Studies here. Statement of Faith. #1 G-D. no other #one #mariespeaksgodsgraceMarie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoFull Class: Devarim ch 7 verses 1 thru 11: Va-Etchanan “Their alters shall you break apart”Marie Speaks G-D's Grace
2 years agoFull class: The Choice is yours…. Eikev (If you obey)Devarim 7:12 thru 11:25Marie Speaks G-D's Grace