3 years agoHow to Create String Art in Inkscape. Part 2. Using the Polygon Tool with the Interpolate Extension.Mistercorzi's Maths Videos
2 years agoConway's Game of Life: Part 6 (A Chronology of Spaceship Discoveries - Glider, LWSS, 25P3H1V0, etc)Mistercorzi's Maths Videos
3 years agoHow to Create String Art in Inkscape. Part 1. Using the interpolate extension for Curve Stitching.Mistercorzi's Maths Videos
4 years agoConway's Game of Life: Part 5 (Gosper's Gilder Gun - A Fantastic Tale of Discovery)Mistercorzi's Maths Videos
4 years agoHow to Play Hexceed - A tutorial explaining the game mechanics (free on Steam)Mistercorzi's Maths Videos
4 years agoPhyllotaxis and a Cactus (Fibonacci numbers in Nature's Spirals)Mistercorzi's Maths Videos
5 years agoConway's Game of Life: Part 1 (a gentle introduction / tutorial / explanation)Mistercorzi's Maths Videos
4 years agoConstructing Magic Squares 3 Build a Most-Perfect 4x4 Jaina-type square using a Graeco-Latin SquareMistercorzi's Maths Videos
4 years agoConway's Game of Life: Part 4 (Gliders, Spaceships and the Speed of Light)Mistercorzi's Maths Videos
2 years agoPeg Solitaire (Brainvita) - Easily remembered solution - How to solve the puzzle in easy stagesmistercorzi