Univ of Louisiana: Final Day of Classes, Great Conversations w/ Skeptics, Crowd of 40 Students, Booming Speaker Blasts Out "Hit The Road Jack" As I Return To My Car
Iowa State University: Trumpet Heckler Returns, Angry Theist Helps Me Draw A Crowd, Red Headed Lesbian Riles Up The Crowd, Female Heckler From Last Year Returns More Subdued
UNC Charlotte: Fake Christian Turns Out To Be An Atheist, Christian Student Helps Me Contend w/ Atheist, Preaching To Thousands On My Last Day In Charlotte
Montclair University: Sinner Cusses Me Out, Several Students Approach Me And Ask Me Questions, Police Sergeant Shares With Me How He Became A Born Again Christian Last Year
University of Arkansas: Great Conversations, Civil Dialogue, Calm Crowd, Later In The Day A Larger Crowd Forms, A Trans Spouts Nonsense, Jesus Christ Exalted
Univ of Minnesota: Rainy, Windy & Cold, I Preach And Have Two Conversations, One w/ A Homosexual, Another w/ An Agnostic, Another Evil Student Blasts Vile Music In My Face So I Call the Police & He Scurries Away
Friday Night Shabbat: Pediatrician Who Saved Unborn Child Gets Rescued By Same Child 30 Years Later, Poem On Passage In 1st Peter, Psalm 1 Song from Sons of Korah
Missouri State University: Older Man Cusses Me Out As Demons Manifest In Him, Some Mockers, Two Students Thank Me, Preaching the Gospel On The Last Day of Classes Before Spring Break
NKU: Last Day of Classes Before Spring Break, Born Again Student Encourages Me, Exhorting Another Christian Student to Holiness, Preaching In The Hail & Rain
I modi sorprendenti con cui l'AIPAC plasma la politica americana DOCUMENTARIO AIPAC( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) è una lobby americana nota per il forte sostegno allo Stato SIONISTA d'Israele.
Univ of Connecticut Wild & Hostile Crowd As Muslims Stir Dissension, I Tear Apart Islam, One Student Who Rips Up My Tract Humbles Himself Later, "Christian" Belgium Woman Assaults Me, Kicks My Bag, I Call Police, Crowd Swells, Exalting Jesus
University of Oklahoma: Bisexual Heckler & Baritone Tuba Player Help Me Draw Crowd, Students Become So Out of Control, Admin Sets Up Barricade Around Me, Contending with the Beasts Of Oklahoma
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU La storia del dittatore Primo Ministro più duraturo dello stato sionista di Israele finanziato dalla lobby americana pro-Israele AIPAC( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) DOCUMENTARIO
Come l'AIPAC è diventata una forza potente e ben finanziata negli Stati Uniti DOCUMENTARIO AIPAC( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) è una lobby americana nota per il forte sostegno allo Stato SIONISTA d'Israele.
Come il denaro dell'AIPAC influenza le politiche degli Stati Uniti DOCUMENTARIO AIPAC( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) è una lobby americana nota per il forte sostegno allo Stato SIONISTA d'Israele.
Cinque cose da sapere sull'AIPAC,la potente lobby filoisraeliana negli Stati Uniti DOCUMENTARIO AIPAC( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) è una lobby americana nota per il forte sostegno allo Stato SIONISTA d'Israele.
Cos'è l'AIPAC e cosa fa? DOCUMENTARIO AIPAC( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) è una lobby americana nota per il forte sostegno allo Stato SIONISTA d'Israele.
The Donald Trump Temple Coin DOCUMENTARIO la Moneta di Donald Trump e Re Ciro del Terzo Tempio di Gerusalemme???????? fecero l'apertura dell'ambasciata americana a Gerusalemme il 14 maggio 2018 per il 70°anniversario dello Stato d'Israele