Clay Clark Client 8X Growth | "We Do the Hiring Process Now Too, But It's Been Really Good. (Clay's Scheduling System), Has Really Helped Seeing the Whole Vision of It!" + "It's Been Full Project That's Really Help!"
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "We Went from Expecting $250K This Year to Where We Are At $400,000. It's Been Implementing What Clay Clark Teaches. The Hiring Processes & Resources Clay Has...An Incredible Experience!"
Plane Crash in Philadelphia Leads to Explosions, Buildings on Fire/Trump Reportedly Tells USDA To Remove All Climate Change Propaganda From Their Websites/Yes, Obama and Biden Had FAA Hire People with Intellectual, Psychiatric, Severe Physical Disabilitie
Trump Says He Has No Interest in Hiring Anyone Who Worked for Koch, Bolton, Pence, the Cheneys, Haley, Ryan, Romney, or Milley in His America-First Administration/Chaos Erupts During Blinken Presser, Screaming Reporter Arrested