1. There is Something really happening to the church(The Falling Away)

    There is Something really happening to the church(The Falling Away)

  2. John Lindell Calls Mark Driscoll To Repent for Trying To Destroy James River Church

    John Lindell Calls Mark Driscoll To Repent for Trying To Destroy James River Church

  3. Church Attendance has declined in Most U.S Religious Groups

    Church Attendance has declined in Most U.S Religious Groups

  4. The Antichrist Agenda feeds off of people's feelings or how you feel

    The Antichrist Agenda feeds off of people's feelings or how you feel

  5. The Churches in America and all over the world has falling away from the truth

    The Churches in America and all over the world has falling away from the truth

  6. Virtual Al priest 'Father Justin' who believes he's real and faces backlash over bizarre answers

    Virtual Al priest 'Father Justin' who believes he's real and faces backlash over bizarre answers

  7. Hostility Toward Bible Prophecy: Why Does The Church Neglect This Profound Evangelism Tool?

    Hostility Toward Bible Prophecy: Why Does The Church Neglect This Profound Evangelism Tool?

  8. United Methodist Church lifts 40-year ban on LGBTQ clergy

    United Methodist Church lifts 40-year ban on LGBTQ clergy

  9. Megachurch Pastor Perry Noble swears during sermon and says if you're offended "you're the problem"

    Megachurch Pastor Perry Noble swears during sermon and says if you're offended "you're the problem"

  10. Pope to hold press conference on aliens and the supernatural

    Pope to hold press conference on aliens and the supernatural

  11. German church hosts worship service featuring Taylor Swift music

    German church hosts worship service featuring Taylor Swift music

  12. Catholic monk comes out as trans says church must learn to accept claims "God has called them'

    Catholic monk comes out as trans says church must learn to accept claims "God has called them'

  13. By baptizing some babies in Gatorade and that is Sad. (This is Sad)

    By baptizing some babies in Gatorade and that is Sad. (This is Sad)

  14. TD Jakes: 'All i got to do is repent sincerely from my heart but not repent about this'

    TD Jakes: 'All i got to do is repent sincerely from my heart but not repent about this'

  15. A Baptist Church in Richmond, VA is hosting a "Drag Queen Concert (Abomination)

    A Baptist Church in Richmond, VA is hosting a "Drag Queen Concert (Abomination)

  16. We Live In A Day And Age Where Soundness Of Doctrine ls No Longer A Priority

    We Live In A Day And Age Where Soundness Of Doctrine ls No Longer A Priority

  17. The Recap on Ohio Mega Church kicking the Holy Bible (Blasphemy)

    The Recap on Ohio Mega Church kicking the Holy Bible (Blasphemy)

  18. Falling away: Church Attendance continues To decline in most U.S Religious Groups

    Falling away: Church Attendance continues To decline in most U.S Religious Groups

  19. Pope Francis says opponents of gay couples blessings are 'small ideological groups' and Africans

    Pope Francis says opponents of gay couples blessings are 'small ideological groups' and Africans

  20. A Pastor kicked the Bible during the Super Bowl Themed Service (Mockery)

    A Pastor kicked the Bible during the Super Bowl Themed Service (Mockery)

  21. A Crazy Preacher Slaps his member in the church before he passes out

    A Crazy Preacher Slaps his member in the church before he passes out
