1. High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were the Days | Tuesday, July 13th 1976

    High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were the Days | Tuesday, July 13th 1976

  2. Sax4Pax nazi sax project becomes part of art project against hatred

    Sax4Pax nazi sax project becomes part of art project against hatred

  3. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection

    You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection

  4. Aquele que nem mesmo a seu próprio Filho poupou, antes o entregou por todos nós (...) Romanos 8:32

    Aquele que nem mesmo a seu próprio Filho poupou, antes o entregou por todos nós (...) Romanos 8:32
