3 months agoFullmetal Alchemist | Edward Elric vs Roy MustangBlackNeosStardustUtopiaOddEyesDecodeMagician694
1 year agoWHERE'S MY DRAGONIC TIME CRYSTAL!? - Epic Seven GuildWar Predators Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoIt's a beautiful night for a fight - Epic Seven top 100 GuildWar Commentary OnTheRun Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoThere's no Destina here - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Mesugaki Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoBro... I'm ready for a vacation lol - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary VeeSea Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoMmmm Rum... Oh right I have to talk about stuff - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary 小可爱 Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoYou can't have too many Soul Weavers - Epic Seven GuildWar Destina Debut Neko Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoIt's Destina Time - Epic Seven Destina Debut GuildWar Commentary Neko Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoWHERE'S MY DRAGONIC TIME CRYSTAL!? - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Predators Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
2 years agoI hear Zahhak dies off camera...I skipped all of EP 4 - Epic Seven GuildWar Zavtra Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoI just have this feeling - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary SHINRAII Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoThis absolute demon... - Epic Seven top 100 GuildWar commentary 인싸흑우 Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoI don't like Fighting Rimuru... - Epic Seven top 100 GuildWar 인싸흑우 Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoYeah that's fine just keep dodging... - Epic Seven GuildWar Commentary Alphogeo Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoOkay... 10 misses isn't that bad... My soul hurts - Epic Seven GuildWar Alphogeo Vs. HarmoniousLucentAzure
1 year agoFullmetal Alchemist as an 80's Dark Fantasy movie (Chapters in Description, A.I. Generated)Art Official Intelligence (E.I.D.A.N Art)