3 years agoDR. Sean Brooks Testifies AT SW Ohio School Board says "Getting The Vaccine Will Cause Your Death"ProjectEvidence
3 years agoAJ - 20210824 - Dr Sean Brooks PhD emergency warning... "It's War, People Are Dying"FanofEP
3 years agoO Dr. Sean Brooks, avisa sobre as vacinas da covid19 dizendo que são mortíferasQueroEmigrar - Porque Emigrar Não é Esquecer
3 years agoΟ Dr. Sean Brooks προειδοποιεί -'Όσοι εμβολιάστηκαν θα πεθάνουν μέσα σε 3 - 5 έτηEllinesksipniste
3 years agoDr. Sean Brooks At Ohio School Board.He warns of the dangers of the JAB & will kill quickly.FREEDOM - TRUTH - JUSTICE
3 years agoDr.PhD Sean Brooks, conselho escolar em Ohio - Os vacinados tem pouco tempo de vidaEduardoSPZL
2 years ago2021: Board of Education Meet. Ohio - Dr. S. Brooks claims vaccinated people will die within 3 yearsCorona Tyranny
1 year agoDr. Sean Brooks Si te vacunas, vivira entre 6 meses y 3 años. Mensaje covid 19 Plandemia CoronavirusFalsa Pandemia Covid