Worldcoin | OpenAi Co-Founder & Bilderberg Group Member Sam Altman & Wants to Convince Billions of People to Scan Their Eyes to Prove They Aren't Bots | OpenAi Was Co-Founded by Elon Musk with Over $1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates
Father Altman | "There Will Be Times When Through Grace You Will be So Courageous So Fearless, But There Will Be Other Times When You Will Look Like David at 14 Looking At Goliath."
Father James Altman | "These Traitors To The Constitution The First Thing They Try To Do Is Take Away The Guns From The Decent Folk Who Didn't Commit The Crime."
Artificial Intelligence | "Now You Can Sweep the Data Up from Your Automobile Driving, Sweep Up Your Social Media Usage & Based Upon That Decide How to Make a Loan." - Gary Gensler (4/18/2023) | Sam Altman, Elon Musk, Worldcoin & WorldAP
Artificial Intelligence | Sam Altman | Push the Reset Button | Artificial Intelligence | "We Are Going to Have An Opportunity to Push the RESET Button And Think About the World We Want And I Think Universal Basic Income Is a Big Part of That."