1. 266_how to "search for a package" with the "apt-cache search" command

    266_how to "search for a package" with the "apt-cache search" command

  2. 269_how to "copy text from the terminal" with "ctrl shift c"

    269_how to "copy text from the terminal" with "ctrl shift c"

  3. 268_how to "paste text into the terminal" with ctrl shift v"

    268_how to "paste text into the terminal" with ctrl shift v"

  4. 275_how to "see the date in real time" with the "watch" command

    275_how to "see the date in real time" with the "watch" command

  5. 274_how to "see the date" with the "date" command

    274_how to "see the date" with the "date" command

  6. 273_how to "see your ram in real time" with the "watch" command

    273_how to "see your ram in real time" with the "watch" command

  7. 272_how to "see the space of my filesystems" with the "dt" command

    272_how to "see the space of my filesystems" with the "dt" command

  8. 239_how to zoom out on the gnome terminal

    239_how to zoom out on the gnome terminal

  9. 238_how to zoom in with gnome terminal

    238_how to zoom in with gnome terminal

  10. 279_how to "highlight the last ten lines of text" with the "tail" command

    279_how to "highlight the last ten lines of text" with the "tail" command

  11. 278_how to "see your kernel ring buffer" with the "dmesg" command

    278_how to "see your kernel ring buffer" with the "dmesg" command

  12. Basic navigation commands

    Basic navigation commands

  13. 293_how to "create a defragementation report" with the "e4defrag" command

    293_how to "create a defragementation report" with the "e4defrag" command

  14. 294_how to "reboot your computer" with the "reboot" command

    294_how to "reboot your computer" with the "reboot" command

  15. 295_how to "initiate a reboot" with the "shutdown" command

    295_how to "initiate a reboot" with the "shutdown" command

  16. 229_how to "change the file permissions of more then one file" with the chmod command

    229_how to "change the file permissions of more then one file" with the chmod command

  17. 265_how to "install a program" with the "install" command

    265_how to "install a program" with the "install" command

  18. 138_how to "go up a directory" using the "cd period period" command

    138_how to "go up a directory" using the "cd period period" command

  19. 98_how to "list background processes" with the "bg" command

    98_how to "list background processes" with the "bg" command

  20. 168_how to "add the execute permission to the owner permission set" with the "chmod" command

    168_how to "add the execute permission to the owner permission set" with the "chmod" command

  21. 320_how to "see what bash version you are using with the bash --version" command

    320_how to "see what bash version you are using with the bash --version" command

  22. 286_how to "see all your block devices" with the "lsblk" command

    286_how to "see all your block devices" with the "lsblk" command

  23. 189_how to "run an executable file" with the "bash" command

    189_how to "run an executable file" with the "bash" command

  24. Basic navigation commands

    Basic navigation commands
