1. The COVID-19 Virus is a Bioweapon Created by the CCP and the Vaccines are Tools for Human Control

    The COVID-19 Virus is a Bioweapon Created by the CCP and the Vaccines are Tools for Human Control

  2. The CCP Poison Americans With All Kinds of Drugs

    The CCP Poison Americans With All Kinds of Drugs

  3. 【NL】De CCP vergiftigt Amerikanen met allerlei soorten drugs

    【NL】De CCP vergiftigt Amerikanen met allerlei soorten drugs

  4. 【NL】Trump: De fentanyl die via Canada en Mexico komt, is enorm

    【NL】Trump: De fentanyl die via Canada en Mexico komt, is enorm

  5. 13579 plan was about developing biological and chemical weapons to attack other countries worldwide

    13579 plan was about developing biological and chemical weapons to attack other countries worldwide
