ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “sport” - c. 1400, "take pleasure, enjoy or amuse oneself," from Old French desporter, "to divert, please; to seek amusement," etymologically "carry away" 🕎Psalms 83;1-9 KJV
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “noble” - c. 1200, "illustrious, distinguished, of high rank or birth," from Old French noble "of noble bearing or birth, well-known, famous, renowned; excellent, superior, splendid; superior birth
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “CHIVALRY” - c. 1300, "body or host of knights; knighthood in the feudal social system; bravery in war, warfare as an art," from Old French chevalerie "knighthood, chivalry, nobility, cavalry,”