DEVIN NUNES | Is Obama Running the Show Behind the Scenes? What Is the VISION for TRUTH Social? Devin Nunes Joins ReAwaken America Tour!!! + Is BRICS Introducing a New Reserve Currency? Is the FEDNow CBDC System Starting In May?
BRICS | Why Did the United States of America Just Sell 136 Tons of Gold to China? Why Are China and Russia Working On Introducing a New Gold-Backed Currency?
General Flynn, Andrew Sorchini, Aaron Antis & Clay Clark | The Great Reset / COVID 19 Agenda Explained: The Connection Between BRICS, the New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency, the Great Reset and the mRNA Modifying Shots
General Flynn | General Flynn & Clay Clark | Exposing the Truth About the Looming CBDCs, The Protests In Israel, BRICS, Russia & China's New Trade Deal, The De-Dollarization of the World, The Banking Crisis & The Great Reset
Dollar Collapse | Why Is China Stockpiling Gold? Why Are U.S. Banking Giants and New York Fed Running a12-week Digital Dollar Pilot? Why Are BRICS Nations Discussing Introduction Of Single Currency?
CBDC | "Brazilian President Lula (Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva President of Brazil) Has Defended the Creation of a Common Currency Amongst the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) Nations." - April 14th 2023
CBDC | Is BRICS (Brazil, Russian, India, China & South Africa) Planning to Use GOLD to Make Its New CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Reserve Currency Backed by GOLD?